- 3 ways machine operators can improve their performance levels
- 3 ways to reverse declining profitability
- 5 disruptions to the future of mining
- 5 stumbles to avoid on your digital journey
- 50 years of MinePlan – looking back and ahead
- 6 ways to capitalize on APAC’s coal boom
- A 2020 look at mining safety in the U.S.
- A sustainable future for mining
- A wholeness approach to open pit scheduling and optimization
- Achieving practical, sustainable mining
- Adversity and achievement: The power of mentorship
- Air traffic control in an underground environment
- An integrated approach to the drill and blast process
- Are we there yet? The road to automation and autonomous mining
- As production rises, Russia’s mine industry quickens pursuit of zero harm
- At what cost? A mining tale
- Audiences respond to digital mining message
- Beer, motorbikes and why safety is in the eye of the beholder
- Below the Surface: 3 Ways to Close the Gap Between Planning and Operations
- Capturing value and achieving ESG goals at Peña Colorada
- Connect all parts of the mine with the Power of One
- Connecting mine planning workflows: integration between HxGN MinePlan 3D and Leica Cyclone 3DR
- Defining quality sleep (and how to improve yours)
- Detecting fatigue and distraction even through a mask
- Drillhole data management now as easy as LocalDB
- Drivers seen and heard, thanks to safer fleet management
- Empowering mining’s autonomous future
- Exploring the benefits of Personal Alert
- Exploring the digital mine with Virtual Reality
- Faced with uncertainty, it pays to plan like a fox
- Faster and easier to use: Release 2 of HxGN MinePlan
- Fight for your rights?
- Fire Bad: How mining data helps prioritize the biggest blazes to extinguish
- Five can’t-miss sessions to shape your knowledge at HxGN LIVE
- For machine operators it pays to know the enemy: fatigue
- For reliability, think inside and outside the box
- Four things to consider when choosing a fleet management system
- From awareness to action: Highlights of the Developing Diversity in Mining workshop
- Fulfillment at the end of a road to nowhere
- GMG Tucson Forum 2019: Accelerating the Evolution of Mining
- Harnessing the power of one
- Hexagon ‘the bridge’ for Chinese mine and university
- Hexagon advances the next generation of mine safety solutions
- Hexagon deepens its partnership with Mexico’s universities
- Hexagon MinePlan 2024 Release 1 introduces Sigma v2.1 and Electric Trucks in Haulage for Schedule Optimiser
- Hexagon MinePlan 2024 Release 2 is now available!
- Hexagon Underground: Integration below the surface
- Hexagon’s Mining division awarded for sustainability efforts by EcoVadis
- Hexagon’s Mining division and Minera San Cristóbal S.A. deploy HxGN MineOperate OP Pro & HxGN MineProtect CAS & OAS in Bolivia
- How Anglo American leads the adoption of safety technology in South Africa
- How Cerrejón tackles risks and prevents accidents
- How digital helps mines cut costs, not corners
- How innovation trumps isolation, one mine at a time
- How mine safety technology can help mitigate daily risks in the pit
- How technology can respond to common causes of mining collisions
- How to bring order to mining data chaos
- How to make a smart mine
- HxGN LIVE and the power of potential
- HxGN MinePlan 2023 Release 2 features new geostatistics and scheduling enhancements
- HxGN MinePlan 2023 Release 3 introduces Sigma v2.0 and Schedule Optimiser improvements
- HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator our newest tool to optimize your life of mine
- HxGN MinePlan Release 1 2023 introduces innovative block model management solution and more
- HxGN MinePlan Release 3 2022 brings exciting new features to the Engineering and Geosciences Suites
- HxGN MinePlan Release 4 2022 enhances Activity Scheduler capabilities and more
- HxGN MinePlan’s newest release adds Truck Leveling tool to Activity Scheduler
- Improved Model Calculation Tool broadens its surroundings
- In mines, (and Vegas!) alertness matters
- Incentive Misalignment in Mining
- Inside Hexagon’s Collision Avoidance System
- Integrating slope stability monitoring with mine operations
- Integration key to success at Pena Colorada
- Internet of Things: Creating scalable IoT platforms
- Introducing a better collision avoidance system
- Introducing GeoLogic
- Introducing Personal Alert
- Introducing Sigma: Efficient analysis of geologic information
- Introducing the Drillhole Correlation Tool
- Investing in the miners of tomorrow
- It’s only rock and roll, but I like it
- Life of an intern: Kabelo Pule
- LocalDB makes server installation, configuration easy for geologists
- Making Safety Personal
- Mastering the tricky art of responsible waste planning
- Maximizing profits with fragmentation analysis
- Mine safety: a resolution that never gets old
- MineDiscover Core: A new benchmark for rugged machine computing
- MinePlan ahead! Glimpse the next 50 years of intelligent mining
- Miners of Tomorrow – Ashley DaYoung
- Miners of Tomorrow – Brandon Johnson
- Miners of Tomorrow – Camden Fraser
- Miners of Tomorrow – Chase Daniels
- Miners of Tomorrow – Erik Charrier
- Miners of tomorrow: how can technology attract new talent to an aging industry?
- Minimizing mining’s operational and maintenance costs
- Mining and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Mining partnerships at the intersection of talent and community
- Moving forward, giving back
- My MINternship Experience: Relationships, Community and Learning
- Neb Žurkić: A career consulting with MinePlan
- New mobile drillhole logging app saves geologists valuable time
- New multistation adds powerful precision to underground portfolio
- New Split color feature improves fragmentation analysis
- Nurturing tech talent at Hack Arizona 6.0
- Operator alert: How diet and sleep affect energy
- Paring the processes: Faster ore control and reconciliation at Peñasquito
- Partnership solidifies Miners of Tomorrow vision
- Prioritizing safety in an autonomous future
- Progress Pushes Connected Mine Vision Closer to Reality
- Real-time Productivity Innovations
- Recognizing the signs of chronic fatigue syndrome
- Reverse guidance key step to autonomous haulage
- Safety partnership thrives at Gold Fields Ghana’s Tarkwa mine
- Serious about mining safety
- Serious about safety: Introducing HxGN Mine VIS
- Serious about safety: The case for collision avoidance
- Shape your future: Miners of tomorrow, excelling today
- Shape your learning at HxGN LIVE
- Shape your year with continuous learning
- Shaping Smart Change in the Andes
- Shaping the digital mine
- Smart thinkers for a smart show: SME 2019
- Snap and clip your point clouds
- Speed and performance hallmarks of latest MinePlan release
- Spotlight on the Zero Harm initiative in South Africa
- Tackling orphans and zombies in the mining operational technology space
- The digital answer to equipment maintenance logs
- The follow-up album is always harder
- The future of mining: End-to-end integration
- The life of your mine is worth spending four days in Vegas!
- The real cost of distracted driving
- The Road to MINExpo: Empowering mining’s sustainable future
- The road to MINExpo: Harnessing the power of one
- The road to MINExpo: Sensing an improvement in mining safety and productivity
- The road to MINExpo: Staying one smart step ahead of adversity
- The top three new features in HxGN MinePlan 2020 Release 1
- The unhealthy relationship between sugar and sleep
- The Use of Drones in Mining
- This content is currently unavailable
- Three exciting features in HxGN MinePlan 2020 Release 2
- Three ways Conuma Coal is smart about safety
- Three ways to build an integrated mining technology portfolio
- Three ways to shape your network at HxGN LIVE
- Time is the essence of a digitally connected mine
- To sleep: perchance to dream – debunking common myths
- Top 7 Takeaways From HxGN LIVE
- Top safety-related uses of GPS technology
- Twinning: Mining and the Digital Twin
- Two features not to be missed in newest MinePlan Blast
- UArizona students use MinePlan to win honors at SME design competition
- Understanding the causes of workplace fatigue
- University initiative strengthened in Mexico
- University of Alberta wins Canadian Mining Games
- Unlocking project value: A mine planner’s perspective
- Up close with Personal Alert
- View DXF and DWG files directly in MineSight 3D
- Viva Las Vegas: HxGN LIVE 2019 in Photos
- Viva Mining! Why we should be celebrating our industry
- What color is your tech?
- What makes a mine smart?
- What’s in a name?
- When two roads into one dump won’t go
- Why technology can do little for innovation without trust
- Why the BMT acquisition changes everything
- Why the real value of sensors is limited only by our imagination
- You don’t want to miss the Intelligent Mining Summit at HxGN LIVE Global 2023
- You won’t want to miss the Intelligent Mining Summit at HxGN LIVE Global 2023
- Zero-harm a worthy target for any mining nation