One of the biggest dangers in surface mines is the potential for pedestrian-vehicle collisions. Sites are noisy, high-traffic areas, and it’s all too easy for an operator to fail to spot a pedestrian near the equipment.
In response, Hexagon developed HxGN MineProtect Personal Alert, the first accident-avoidance device worn by personnel using precision of Time-of-Flight technology, ensuring 360-degree visibility of pedestrians around heavy equipment.
Personal Alert integrates with HxGN MineProtect Collision Avoidance System (CAS), a non-intrusive cabin display unit offering 360-degree proximity detection for all mining vehicles, assets, and operators in open pit mines.

Used in 40,000 mining vehicles worldwide, HxGN MineProtect Collision Avoidance System becomes even more powerful when integrated with HxGN MineProtect Personal Alert.
Personal Alert integrates seamlessly with CAS
CAS is an unobtrusive proximity detection unit built into the cab of vehicles to prevent collisions in open pit mines. It’s currently protecting operators in 40,000 mining vehicles worldwide. CAS becomes even more powerful when integrated with Personal Alert. Personal Alert features a small, lightweight tag worn by all pedestrians on the worksite. This tag connects to CAS, enabling the system to instantly detect the proximity between all pedestrians and all vehicles.
Personal Alert uses configurable zones
Mine operators can configure zones around each vehicle. The alert transmitted by Personal Alert varies, depending on which zone is entered by the pedestrian. If the pedestrian and vehicle operator are far away from each other, they each receive a visual alert. When a pedestrian enters the “near” zone, an additional visual alert is triggered. If the pedestrian continues to approach the vehicle, they will receive visual, audible, and vibratory alerts, and the vehicle operator will receive visual and audible alerts.
Personal protection with an additional failsafe
Pedestrians and vehicle operators are susceptible to human error in responding to alerts, so Personal Alert also transmits an alarm to the control room. Supervisors in the control room receive real-time monitoring data, enabling them to quickly communicate hazards to the pit supervisor.
Hexagon is committed to helping mine management pursue zero harm. Contact our team today to learn more about integrating CAS and Personal Alert at your worksite.