Two features not to be missed in newest MinePlan Blast

MinePlan Blast 4.3 brings two improvements to the drill and blast software tool that is part of the Production Suite.

Manual naming of drillholes

We’ve added a new form for manual naming to the Hole Editor. Whether you are editing an existing pattern or starting from scratch, you can now add a prefix, start number, suffix and increment. You can even auto-increment to remember where you left off from the last time you used the software.

Keep moved holes

The “keep moved holes” feature allows you to lock holes you have moved. This is especially useful when you are manually editing a pattern and need to make edits to other configurations without reverting the holes you just edited back to their original position.

For a more in-depth explanation of the new features, watch Hexagon’s Jose Sanchez talk about the Blast 4.3 update.

To download the latest version of Blast or other product releases, visit our Client Center.

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