Three ways to shape your network at HxGN LIVE

Smart change starts with smart people, which helps to explain the growing popularity of HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual Cross-Industry Technology Conference. Mining is at the forefront of this year’s event, which will attract thousands of business leaders from around the world to Las Vegas, NV, June 12-15. They come to learn and be inspired by some of the world’s most renowned innovators, and to share their own success stories about making the impossible possible.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of a digital strategy at your mine, you need to be at HxGN LIVE. Here are three reasons why:

1)  Cheers to peers: While every company is unique, common challenges prevail at all mines. HxGN LIVE and its shorter, spin-off events, HxGN LOCALs, are all about what we can learn and achieve together. Find out first-hand how your peers are lowering costs, increasing productivity, and improving safety by networking during the events’ many social activities.

2) Spare a thought: We are looking for insightful presenters. This is a great opportunity to earn industry recognition as a thought leader plus we’ll cover your registration! Share your knowledge with other mining professionals and profile your company as an industry front-runner.

“The most gratifying part of presenting for Hexagon Mining was fielding questions from my audience.  They saw the value in my company’s work, asking how our system enables us to develop further, and what we saw as the next challenges.”

– 2017 client presenter, Wilhelm Werner: New Gold, Western Mesquite Mine

3) It’s good to share: Our products are based on your needs and your feedback. In an intimate, collaborative setting, this is your chance to help shape the development of our integrated life-of-mine solutions. Talk to our subject matter experts and get the answers you need.

HxGN LIVE stimulates new thinking and motivates attendees to write new stories about disrupting the status quo, fostering innovation, and driving growth. Forge new connections that grow professional networks. Find out more at HxGN LIVE Mining Track 2018.

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